
Dear Richardson Family,

We hope you and your family had a great time at the Palmdale City Library’s Holiday Party on Wednesday. Who doesn’t love crafting, treats, and Santa? 😀  As promised, here is your complementary photo provided by the Friends of the Library: 

Palmdale City Library’s 2017 Holiday Party. Compliments of the Friends of the Palmdale City Library. Join us!

Palmdale City Library’s 2017 Holiday Party. Compliments of the Friends of the Palmdale City Library. Join us!

We think the photo turned out great! Feel free to share it online with friends and family. For more photos of the Holiday Party, check out our Facebook page: We’d also like your permission to use the holiday photo we took of your family on our page, so please contact us and let us know it’s okay to post.

Also, think about joining the Friends of the Library. We’re a fun non-profit group who raises money and awareness to support our local library. We hold books sales, mixers, and have an all-around great time helping our community. Our next Annual Meeting is January 10th in the Library at 4pm. We’ll be filling Board positions, open to all members, so if you’re interested in getting involved, join us!

And last, but not least, we would be remiss if we didn’t remind you about the upcoming Palmdale City Library Holiday Film Festival (one of the many programs that the Friends proudly funds). Fun for the whole family!! Come and check one out (daily from 2-4pm):

Happy holidays!