Membership Drive Drawing – Winners Announced

Whooo Wants To Be A Friend

In conclusion of our Fall Membership Drive, we held a random prize drawing for all new and renewed members for the 2019 membership year.

Here are the OWLsome winners and their prize.

Watch  –  Haley Crow

Watch   –  Jessica Ochoa

T-Shirt  –  Tracy Welch

Tablet  –  Diana Love

Earrings  –  Ida Offerding

$5 in Book Bucks  –  Cathie Conterno

Free Gift Membership to share with a friend  –  Rachel Roach

Free Gift Membership to share with a friend –  Michelle Torres

Congratulations to all winners!!!

We would like to say ‘THANK YOU!’ to our generous partners who donated prizes and our OWLsome team of volunteers.